Lead Based Paint Abatement Instructions & Qualifications
The Lead Based Paint training and certification process requires initial training and accreditation and yearly re-registration. Every three years the individual must take a refresher course in their respective disciplines to maintain accreditation. The general steps for accreditation in Alabama are as follows:
- Register and pass an Initial training class from an Alabama-approved training provider.
- INSPECTORS, RISK ASSESSORS & SUPERVISORS MUST Register and pass the EPA required Certification Exam (Third Party Exam) for the appropriate discipline. Schedule for test at UA, and Registration form. This step does not apply to Workers, Project Designers or Renovators.
- Register as an individual with our offices. Request an application from Rhonda Hester at rhester@ua.edu. Upon Approval you will receive a Safe State ID card.
- Register your company through UA SafeState in order to be certified with the Alabama Department of Public Health. ADPH Website Link
All applicants must be at least 19 years of age.
Along with current and approved training, some lead-based paint disciplines have additional qualifications that must be met in addition to the steps listed above:
Lead Based Paint Inspector
- No additional requirements
Lead Based Paint Risk Assessor
- Be registered (or concurrently register) as a Safe State lead-based paint inspector
- Have one of the following combinations of education and experience:
- Hold professional certification as an industrial hygienist, professional engineer, registered architect, or a certification in a related engineering or health or environmental field; or
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited College or University, and one year of work experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation, construction); or
- An associate degree and two years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation, construction) When submitting application, include 1-page writeup of detailed work experience (Company Name, Project start and end dates, Job title, Job description); or
- A high school diploma (or equivalent), and at least three years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation, construction)
Lead-Based Paint Supervisor
- Have one of the following combinations of experience:
- One year of experience as an accredited or certified lead-based paint worker; or
- At least two years of work experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation, construction or building trades) When submitting application, include 1-page writeup of detailed work experience (Company Name, Project start and end dates, Job title, Job description)
Lead-Based Paint Project Designer
- Successful completion of an accredited and UA SafeState approved training course for lead supervisors; and
- Have one of the following combinations of experience:
- A bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, or a related profession from an accredited College or University (CCSACS or equivalent), and at least one year of experience in building construction design, or a related field; or
- At least four years of work experience in building construction design, or a related field. When submitting application, include 1-page writeup of detailed work experience (Company Name, Project start and end dates, Job title, Job description)
Lead-Based Paint Worker
- No additional Requirements
Notes/ Additional Instructions: Even if the applicant has been approved in their respective discipline in another state or through the EPA, individuals applying to Alabama for the first time will need to have their most recent training from one of the approved training providers listed in step 1. This can be the initial training (or a refresher course if the initial had been taken previously).
If the applicant has not previously registered with Alabama they will need to submit electronic copies or originals of the initial training and all subsequent refresher training to bring the applicant up to date in our system.
UA Safe State reserves the right to require physical submittal of original training certificates, letters from the training provider confirming course completion, or other supporting documentation as needed to complete the review process.