Open rolodex organizer with computer keyboard in the background

Director's Office

Picture of Dr. Chris Schemel

Dr. Chris Schemel

Executive Director

Contact Dr. Chris Schemel
Director's Office

Picture of Sheila Mullenix

Sheila Mullenix

Administrative Assistant II

Contact Sheila Mullenix
Director's Office

Tiffany Blount

Communication Specialist II

Contact Tiffany Blount
Director's Office

Picture of Dr. Stephanie Loveland

Dr. Stephanie Loveland


Contact Dr. Stephanie Loveland
Director Office's

Safe State Environmental Programs

Picture of Michael Rasbury

Michael Rasbury


Contact Michael Rasbury
(205) 348-3967

Picture of Bonnie Dean

Bonnie Dean

Administrative Assistant II

Contact Bonnie Dean
(205) 348-8564

Picture of Kalyn Tew

Kalyn Tew

Environmental Accreditation Program Manager

Contact Kalyn Tew
(205) 348-9761

Picture of Shay Hamilton

Shay Hamilton

Administrative Assistant I

Contact Shay Hamilton
(205) 348-4666

Picture of Rhonda Hester

Rhonda Hester

Environmental Program Associate

Contact Rhonda Hester
(205) 348-4829

Picture of Larry Overstreet

Larry Overstreet

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant II

Contact Larry Overstreet
(205) 348-8406

Picture of Kevin Covington

Kevin Covington

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant II

Contact Kevin Covington
(205) 348-8571

Claude Santiago

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Claude Santiago

Greg Stuckey

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Greg Stuckey
(205) 348-0570

Thomas Gorham

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Thomas Gorham
(205) 348-0807

Safe State OSHA Consultation Program

Picture of Matt Hollub

Matt Hollub


Contact Matt Hollub
(205) 348-8259

Bethany Townsel

Administrative Assistant II

Contact Bethany Townsel

Jean Wisdom

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Jean Wisdom

Picture of Randy Easterling

Randy Easterling

Supervisor, Industrial Safety Consultant

Contact Randy Easterling
(205) 348-8567

Picture of William Matt Sprague

William Matt Sprague

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact William Matt Sprague
(205) 348-7138

Thomas Ten Eyck

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant II

Contact Thomas Ten Eyck

Picture of Kathy Tibbetts

Kathy Tibbetts

Data Technician

Contact Kathy Tibbetts
(205) 348-7136

Anju Melkani

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Anju Melkani
205-348- 8576

Luther Pippen

Environmental Health and Safety Consultant I

Contact Luther Pippen

Training & Conference Activities Program

Picture of Sheryl Foucher

Sheryl Foucher

Safety & Health Training Specialist

Contact Sheryl Foucher
(205) 348-7769

Krystal Dougan

Administrative Assistant I

Contact Krystal Dougan

Barry Durand

Administrative Assistant II

Contact Barry Durand

Gregg Cubel

Environmental and Online Courses Training Specialist

Contact Gregg Cubel

Kim Kimbrell

Safety and Health Training Associate

Contact Kim Kimbrell