Healthy Homes & Communities
Did you know that the average person spends most of their life indoors? Studies have shown that substandard living conditions can greatly effect your health. That is why it is vitally important that your home is a healthy and safe environment!
This webpage provides helpful tips and useful resources to improve home living conditions. These simple and cost effective practices will help you to create a healthy, safe, and happy home for you and your family!
8 Tips for a Healthy Homes
1. Keep it Dry
- Be sure to clean up any standing water in the home, and dry out any materials holding moisture.
- Inspect your home for leaks, clean them up as soon as possible, and repair the leak source.
- Keep the humidity in the home down, dry conditions can help to prevent mold growth.
- If your house is very humid, consider using dehumidifiers in problem areas.
2. Keep it Clean
- Control sources of dust and contaminants by clean regularly with wet methods – like mopping.
- Reduce clutter in your home so that you have less to clean around. Less clutter also means there are less tripping hazards.
3. Keep it Safe
- Keep all chemicals and poisonous substances out of childrens reach, and make sure they are labeled.
- Secure things that could cause tripping, like loose rugs or electrical cords
- Be sure to have detectors for smoke and carbon monoxide.
- Have a fire extinguisher and first-aid kit on hand in the case of an emergency.
4. Keep it Well-Ventilated
- Fresh air should be supplied from outside of the home to reduce buildup of airborne contaminants
- Install vents in the kitchen and bathrooms to exhaust out steam, moisture, and cooking fumes. You don’t want these to build up in your home.
- If you can’t install vents, open a window to vent outside while showering and cooking.
5. Keep it Pest-Free
- Pests can enter in a home through gaps, cracks, and openings to outside.
- Seal all cracks and openings you find
- Cut trees and bushes away from the house – pest like to use these as a path to get in.
- Pests come inside looking for food, water and shelter. Reduce the chances of pests by:
- Putting food up in sealed containers
- Drying standing water
- Sealing tight areas where they can hide
6. Keep it Contaminant Free
- There are many sources of contamination in the home. Some common sources are:
- Lead: Lead-based paint can be an issue in homes built before 1978. Learn more about lead hazards.
- Radon: Radon is an odorless gas that can build up in homes. It is common in areas where there is a high natural uranium content in the soil. Learn more about radon.
- Mold: Mold spores exist everywhere, but become a problem when they grow in your home. People can develop respiratory issues from inhaling mold spores. Learn more about preventing mold in the home.
- Household Chemicals: Many household chemicals for cleaning are toxic to humans. Be sure to understand the side-effects of the chemicals you are using in your home. Look for the hazard label on the product to get this information.
7. Keep it Maintained
- Make repairs as soon as you notice damage to a home. A small issue can become a large problem if not taken care of quickly.
- Inspect your home regularly for issues.
- Clean thoroughly and often.
8. Keep it Thermally Controlled
- Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.
- Extreme hot temperatures can cause heat stress, while cold temperatures can cause hypothermia.
- Hot temperatures can cause mold growth.
- Adequate insulation and consisten HVAC in the home is reccomended.
Funding Opportunities
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in Alabama
Roof Replacement Grant – Strengthen Alabama Homes : For residents of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Only
HUD Healthy Homes Webpage
HUD Healthy Homes Program Brochure
Healthy Homes Grant Program Information
Notice: The application period has ended. We are not accepting any more applications at this time. Please check back for updates regarding future application opportunities.
The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Bureau of Environmental Services, Indoor Air Quality and Lead Branch and the University of Alabama was recently awarded a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Healthy Homes Production Grant from the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) to remove environmental and safety hazards from some of Alabama’s vulnerable and underserved communities.
The University of Alabama SafeState Program and the Alabama Life Research Institute will help manage the $2,000,000 grant award and remediation activities.
Our goal is to improve at least 150 homes in Alabama.
Link to Press Release

Current Project Area: Choctaw, Clarke, Lowndes, Marengo, and Wilcox Counties and the City of York in Sumter County