Individual Lead Renovator Application Lead Renovator Firm Certification Application
All firms which perform, or offer to perform, any of the lead-based paint renovation activities described in Alabama’s lead rules must have certification from the Alabama Department of Public Health. This certification is administered by UA Safestate.
In order to be certified as a Renovation Firm, the company must have at least one individual who is accredited by and registered with UA SafeState Environmental Programs at the University of Alabama as a Lead Renovator.
For Individual Lead Renovator Accreditation: The Lead-Based Paint training and accreditation process requires initial training, accreditation, and yearly re-registration. For renovators, registration is $100/year – and applicants can choose whether they’d like to register for 1 year, 2 years, or all 3 years. Prior to the 3-year expiration date, the applying individual must take a refresher course from an Alabama-approved trainer to maintain accreditation.
How to Become a Lead-Based Paint Professional in Alabama (Video)
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UA Safetstate maintains a monthly updated list for certified lead renovator firms.
Click here for the list of certified lead renovator firms in Alabama.
Not sure if you perform Lead Abatement or Lead Renovation? Learn More!
FAQS for Certified Lead Renovators:
Become a Lead-Based Paint Renovator Training Provider:
Lead-Based Paint Regulations:
UA SafeState Contacts:
Rhonda Hester, Environmental Program Specialist
(205) 348-4829 or (800) 421-7141
Kalyn Tew, Manager of Environmental Services
(205) 348-9761 or (800) 421-7141