We offer training in lead-based paint, asbestos and mold inspection and abatement or removal. You will learn how to inspect and/or remove and dispose of these hazardous materials properly. We offer the Lead-based Paint Certified Renovator, or Lead Safety Renovator, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Course which trains renovators, painters, etc., how to comply with the EPA / HUD regulations for working in pre-1978 housing.
To see the 2025 schedule
Learn about our Hands-On Training Amenities
Detail Listing of Courses:
Asbestos Courses
Asbestos Abatement Supervisor
A person must be AHERA accredited as a contractor/supervisor to supervise any of the following activities with respect to friable asbestos containing building material (ACBM) in a school or public and commercial building:
1. a response action other than a small-scale short duration (SSSD) activity,
2. a maintenance activity that disturbs friable ACBM other than a SSSD activity, or
3. a response action for a major fiber release episode. All persons seeking accreditation as asbestos abatement contractor/supervisors shall complete at least a five-day training course.
This five-day course is designed for asbestos abatement and control personnel at the supervisory or management level.
This course is accredited / approved by the State of Alabama and incorporates the EPA Model Curriculum materials, which includes a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an examination. It is intended for supervisors, consultants, contractors, engineers, architects, regulators, building owners and managers. This 40-hour course does have an examination requirement. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be presented with a certificate of training. This course is required for accreditation as an asbestos supervisor in the state of Alabama.
Regulatory Requirements:
- The minimum course length is 40 training hours (five 8-hour days).
- All course requirements must be completed within a two-week period of the course start date.
- Participants must be at least 19 years old.
To successfully complete this course one must:
- Attend at least 95% of the training course.
- Receive a passing score of 70% or greater on the course examination (closed-book). One retest is available if a score of 69% or lower is received on the course exam.
To be an accredited Asbestos Supervisor in the State of Alabama one must:
- Successfully complete an Asbestos Supervisor course approved by the state. Go to alasbestos.ua.edu to check on approved training providers.
- Submit your accreditation form and fee to Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141.
Asbestos Supervisor Course Topics
- Background Information on Asbestos
- Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Establishing a Medical Surveillance Program
- Safety and Health Considerations (Other than Asbestos)
- Regulatory Review
- Protecting the Worker: Respirators and Protective Clothing
- Establishing a Type C Supplied-Air System
- Sampling and Analytical Methodology Pertaining to Asbestos
- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Lab
- Abatement Overview
- Pre-Work Activities and Considerations
- Preparing the Work Area and Establishing the Decontamination Unit
- Confining and Minimizing Airborne Fibers
- Cleaning up the Work Area
- Lockdown and Sprayback Procedures
- Glovebag Lab
- Decontamination Lab
- Waste Disposal Requirements
- NESHAPS & Waste Disposal
- Contract Specifications
- Legal and Insurance Considerations
- Supervisor Role
- Accreditation
- New Developments in Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos Inspector
All persons who inspect for Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM) in schools or public and commercial buildings must be accredited. All persons seeking accreditation as an asbestos inspector shall complete a three-day training course.
This three-day course is designed to train individuals to discover, sample, assess, and document asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in buildings. Techniques which focus on compliance with U.S. EPA regulations are emphasized. A hands-on inspection at the end of the course provides realistic experience.
This course is accredited / approved by the State of Alabama. It incorporates the EPA Model Curriculum materials. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an examination. It is intended for inspectors, consultants, contractors, engineers, architects, regulators, building owners and managers. This 24-hour course does have an examination requirement. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be presented with a certificate of training. This course is required for accreditation as an asbestos inspector in the state of Alabama.
Regulatory Requirements:
1. The minimum course length is 24 training hours (three 8-hour days).
2. All course requirements must be completed within a two-week period of the course start date.
3. Participants must be at least 19 years old and must possess a high school diploma or GED.
To successfully complete this course one must:
1. Attend at least 95% of the training course.
2. Receive a passing score of 70% or greater on the course examination (closed-book). One retest is available if a
score of 69% or lower is received on the course exam.
To be an accredited Asbestos Inspector in the State of Alabama one must:
1. Successfully complete an Asbestos Inspector course approved by the state. Go to alasbestos.ua.edu to check on approved training providers.
2. Submit your accreditation form and fee to Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141.
Asbestos Inspector Course Topics
- Accreditation Information
- Qualifications / Role of Building Inspectors
- Background Information on Asbestos
- Liability and Insurance
- Regulatory Review
- Potential Health Effects
- Personal Protection
- Pre-Inspection Planning
- Inspection for Friable and Non-Friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
- Assessing the Condition of Friable ACM
- Bulk Sampling
- Building Systems
- Record Keeping and Report Writing
- Public Relations
- Field Exercise (Hands-on inspection)
- Field Exercise Debriefing
Asbestos Management Planner
All persons who prepare asbestos management plans for schools must be accredited. All persons seeking accreditation as management planners shall complete a 3-day asbestos inspector-training course and a 2-day asbestos management planner-training course. Title II, Section 206, of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) does not require accreditation for persons performing the management planner role in public and commercial buildings. However, such persons may find this training and accreditation helpful in preparing them to design or administer asbestos operations and maintenance programs for public and commercial buildings.
In this two-day Management Planner course participants are taught how to evaluate and interpret asbestos inspection results. Methods for assessing asbestos containing material (ACM) risks and selecting appropriate response actions are presented. A model format for developing an Asbestos Management Plan is introduced and discussed. Accreditation as an Asbestos Inspector is a pre-requisite to accreditation as an Asbestos Management Planner.
This course is accredited / approved by the State of Alabama. It incorporates the EPA Model Curriculum materials. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an examination. It is intended for consultants, contractors, engineers, architects, regulators, building owners and managers. This 16- hour course does have an examination requirement. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be presented with a certificate of training. This course is required for accreditation as an asbestos management planner in the state of Alabama.
Regulatory Requirements:
1. The minimum course length is 16 training hours (two 8-hour days).
2. All course requirements must be completed within a two-week period of the course start date.
3. Participants must be at least 19 years old and must possess a high school diploma or GED.
4. Participants must have successfully completed an asbestos inspector course.
5. Participants must be a professional engineer registered in Alabama, an architect registered to practice in
Alabama, or must have graduated from a 4-year regionally accredited college or university or graduate school.
To successfully complete this course one must:
1. Attend at least 95% of the training course.
2. Receive a passing score of 70% or greater on the course examination (closed-book). One retest is available if a
score of 69% or lower is received on the course exam.
To be an accredited Asbestos Management Planner in the state of Alabama one must:
1. Be an accredited Asbestos Inspector in the state of Alabama
2. Successfully complete an Asbestos Management Planner course approved by the state. Go to alasbestos.ua.edu to check on recognized training providers.
3. Submit your accreditation form and fee to Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141.
Asbestos Management Planner Course Topics
- Evaluation / Interpretation of Survey Results
- Hazard Assessment
- Legal Responsibilities of Management Planners
- Evaluation / Selection of Control Options
- Role of Other Professionals Developing a Management Plan
- Developing and Implementing an Operations and Maintenance Program
- Regulatory Review
- Record Keeping
- Assembling and Submitting a Management Plan
- Cost Estimation and Financing Abatement
Managing Asbestos in Schools & Buildings
Asbestos is present in many buildings in one form or another. It poses serious health and legal liabilities for the owners and managers of buildings and facilities. This course will answer important questions about asbestos. This course meets the special requirement of Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations related to training of School Asbestos Coordinators (local educational agency designees).
Asbestos Update Courses
These courses meet EPA (AHERA) refresher training requirements. The courses will address recent changes in regulations and abatement techniques. Topics will include liability issues, federal and state regulatory review, contract specifications, and other pertinent asbestos-related matters.
- Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Update (One Day)
- AHERA Inspector Update (One-half Day)
- AHERA Management Planner Update (One-half Day)
Note: The initial and update courses described above have been granted approval by U.S.E.P.A. under Section 206 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2646.
Lead Courses
- Lead Abatement Project Supervisor: EPA
- Lead Abatement Worker: EPA
- Lead Inspector
- Lead Risk Assessor
- Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair, and Painting
- Lead Refresher Courses
Lead Abatement Project Supervisor – EPA
(Target Housing & Child-Occupied Facilities)
This course is accredited / approved by the States of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. It incorporates the EPA Model Course materials and June 1995 and 1997 revised HUD guidelines. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an exam. It is intended for supervisors, consultants, contractors, supervisors, engineers, architects, regulators, building owners and managers.
Lead Supervisor: EPA Course Topics
- History and sources of lead
- Health effects of lead exposure
- Lead Hazard Recognition & Control;
- Medical surveillance
- Respiratory Protection & Protective Clothing;
- Regulatory review
- Pre-Abatement Planning;
- Site characterization
- Exposure measurements
- Hazardous Material Identification
- Legal & Insurance Issues
- Project Management
- Contract specifications
- Cost Estimation
- Supervisory Skills
- Lead Hazard Reduction Strategies
- Lead Based Paint Abatement
- Interior Dust Reduction & Control
- Soil Lead Abatement
- Exterior Dust Reduction & Control
- Interim Controls
- Hands-on Activities
- Sampling for Lead
- Post Abatement Clearance
- Testing for lead in paint
- Clearance Testing and Criteria;
- Soil sampling
- Sampling in Air, Soil, and Dust
- Waste Disposal
- Employee Information and Training
- Community Relations Process
- Inspection and Risk Assessment Interpretation
- Federal, State, & Local Regulations;
- Recordkeeping
- Occupant Protection Plans;
- Reviewing Inspection and Risk Assessment Reports;
For more information on this and our other lead courses, click here.
Lead Abatement Worker: EPA
(Target Housing & Child-Occupied Facilities)
This 2-day course meets Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and federal EPA requirements for Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities. It is based on the federal EPA Lead Worker Course materials. It is not intended to meet all of the OSHA worker training requirements for projects in other buildings and facilities. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an exam.
This course covers:
- Role and responsibility of a lead worker
- Background information on lead and sources of contamination and exposure;
- Review of regulations;
- Lead hazard recognition and controls;
- Health effects;
- Exposure measurements;
- Medical surveillance;
- Personal protective measures;
- Work practices;
- Restricted Practices
- Area preparation;
- Indoor and outdoor abatement methods for paint, dust, & soil;
- Clean-up;
- Disposal;
- Clearance
- Records access.
- Hands-On Activities
For more information on this and our other lead courses, click here.
Lead Inspector
This three-day course is designed to train participants in adult and child lead toxicology, sources of lead, theory and use of X-ray fluorescence, sampling methods for lead in paint, soil and dust, health and safety concerns for lead hazard inspectors, regulatory developments and HUD’s Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing.
For more information on this and our other lead courses, click here.
Lead Risk Assessor
This two-day course is targeted toward environmental consultants, public health environmentalists, health and safety professionals, housing inspectors, real estate professionals, public housing personnel and others who are currently or may in the future conduct inspections and/or risk assessments in residential housing, day care centers, schools or other buildings.
For more information on this and our other lead courses, click here.
Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair, and Painting
This one-day course was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) in collaboration with the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) to train renovation, repair and painting contractors how to
work safely in housing with lead-based paint. This course supersedes the
“Lead-Based Paint Safe Work Practices” course.
Course Topics:
• Why you should be concerned about lead paint
• Regulations
• Before beginning work
• Containing dust during work
• Prohibited practices
• Specialized tools
• Protecting yourself
• Cleaning activities
• Checking your work
• Recordkeeping
• Training non-certified renovation workers
- This course is intended for renovation, repair and painting contractors who want to comply with EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule and HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule.
- You will be able to train your employees in lead-based paint safe work practices.
Lead Update Courses
- Lead Inspector Refresher (One Day)
- Lead Risk Assessor Refresher (One Day)
- Lead Abatement Project Supervisor Refresher (One Day)
For more information on this and our other lead courses, click here.
Lead Compliance Information
The College of Engineering Division of Environmental and Industrial Programs ( UA SafeState) offers a full slate of lead abatement courses. These courses are designed to train individuals in the various aspects of lead abatement methods. Successful completion of the EPA lead courses satisfies the requirements under EPA’s Model Accreditation Plan for Lead Based Paint Activities.
These training courses are designed to meet regulatory requirements for residential applications. The content of these courses includes OSHA and EPA Regulations and HUD Guidelines. These programs include hands-on training for participants to simulate actual job-site situations. During these simulations the participants will learn what is required as well as what may be necessary to perform the lead abatement service work that will meet the compliance standards.
To maintain accreditation in Alabama and other states, individuals are required to complete a refresher-training course for each appropriate discipline once every three years. Different states’ lead accreditation or certification laws may require additional training or qualifications. The participant should contact the specific state agency responsible for lead accreditation and certification to determine if he or she meets that state’s requirements. The requirements for accreditation in the state of Alabama are listed with the lead courses that qualify participants for accreditation in that particular discipline.
Lead Abatement Supervisor: EPA
(Target Housing & Child-Occupied Facilities)
This course is accredited / approved by the States of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. It incorporates the EPA Model Course materials and June 1995 and 1997 revised HUD guidelines. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an examination. It is intended for supervisors, consultants, contractors, supervisors, engineers, architects, regulators, building owners and managers. This 32-hour course does have an examination requirement. Upon successful completion of this course students will be presented with a certificate of training. This course is required for accreditation as a lead supervisor in the state of Alabama.
Alabama Regulatory Requirements:
1. The minimum course length is 32 training hours, with a minimum of 8 hours devoted to hands-on training activities.
2. Students shall take a course examination no more than two times.
3. All course requirements must be completed within a two-week period of the course start date.
4. Participant must be at least 19 years old.
5. Participant must have at least one-year experience as a certified lead abatement worker or at least two years experience in a related field (e.g. lead, asbestos, or environmental remediation work) or in the building trades.
To successfully complete this course one must:
1. Attend at least 95% of the training course.
2. Successfully complete the hands-on skills assessment.
3. Receive a passing score of 70% or greater on the course examination (closed-book).
To be an accredited Lead Supervisor in the State of Alabama one must:
1. Successfully complete an EPA Lead Supervisor course approved by the state. Go to lbp.ua.edu to check on approved training providers.
2. Pass the EPA Third Party Exam. Call Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141 to arrange to take this exam or go to lbp.ua.edu for the schedule and application.
3. Submit your accreditation form and fee to Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141.
Lead Abatement Worker: EPA
(Target Housing & Child-Occupied Facilities)
This 2-day course meets Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and federal EPA requirements for Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities. It is based on the federal EPA Lead Worker Course materials. It is not intended to meet all of the OSHA worker training requirements for projects in other buildings and facilities. This course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and an exam. This 16-hour course does have an examination requirement. Upon successful completion of this course students will be presented with a certificate of training. This course is required for accreditation as a lead worker in the state of Alabama.
Alabama Regulatory Requirements:
1. The minimum course length is 16 training hours, with a minimum of 8 hours devoted to hands-on training activities.
2. Students shall take a course examination no more than two times.
3. All course requirements must be completed within a two-week period of the course start date.
4. Participant must be at least 19 years old.
To successfully complete this course one must:
1. Attend at least 95% of the training course.
2. Successfully complete the hands-on skills assessment.
3. Receive a passing score of 70% or greater on the course examination (closed-book).
To be an accredited Lead Worker in the State of Alabama one must:
1. Successfully complete an EPA Lead Worker course recognized by the state.
(Go to lbp.ua.edu to check on approved training providers.)
2. Submit your accreditation form and fee to Rhonda Hester at 800-421-7141.
Got Mold? Get training!
Mold in buildings is a major problem here in the southeast. Mold damages buildings and can sicken occupants. To answer questions about what can be done about mold in buildings, the University of Alabama is offering two new mold programs.
Managing Mold in Buildings – One Day Seminar
This six-hour mold awareness seminar provides basic information about mold in buildings. It will help building and facility managers respond to occupant and resident complaints about mold in buildings. It will help school personnel respond to complaints from teachers, students, and parents. It will help insurance and real estate professionals understand the dynamics of mold in buildings. The seminar will answer questions such as:
· Am I legally liable for mold and mold complaints?
· Does mold really make occupants sick?
· How do I know if I have a mold problem in my buildings?
· How quickly do I need to act if I find mold in my buildings?
· What can I do about mold in my buildings?
· Who can I get to identify and correct mold problems in my buildings?
During the seminar you will be able to ask questions about specific mold problems. Upon completion of the seminar, you will be able to answer mold-related questions. You will be able to decide if and when contractors or consultants are needed, or if in-house staff can handle the problem, and what training your in-house staff needs to correct mold problems.
Who should come to this one-day seminar?
· Building and facility managers
· School maintenance directors
· Public housing directors and managers
· Insurance agents and adjusters
· Real estate professionals
Mold Assessment and Remediation – 3 Day Training
This three-day training course provides instruction on the identification, assessment, and correction of mold problems in buildings. Practical instruction on mold assessment, remediation, and moisture control is included. It is intended for anyone who wants detailed, practical information that can be used to directly address mold problems in buildings and schools.
Topics include:
· Background of mold and other fungi
· Health effects of mold
· When and how to sample for mold
· Mold and moisture identification and assessment
· Moisture in buildings and its relationship to mold problems
· Correcting moisture problems
· Cleaning and removing mold
· Setting up a mold remediation work area
· Personal protection for mold remediation workers
Who should come to this three-day training course?
· Building maintenance managers
· Building maintenance workers
· School maintenance personnel
· Public housing maintenance personnel
· Consultants
· Contractors
Contact Us
For detail information about course content:
Gregg Cubel, Environmental Training Coordinator
For course information:
Gregg Cubel, Environmental Training Coordinator
1-877-50 TRAIN (1-877-508-7246) or 205-348-7768
For Alabama accreditation information:
Kalyn Tew
Program Registration
Cancellation Policy Effective June 1, 2023
A cancellation charge of 100% of the registration fee will be assessed on cancellations occurring within seven (7) days of the start of this session. Refunds will not be granted after the program has begun. The University of Alabama reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine class sections, to limit registration or to change instructors. To cancel your registration, contact the Registration Services department at 205-348-3000 or registration_services@ua.edu. A copy of the OTIDE Cancellation Policy can be found online.
Three Convenient Ways to Register:
Registration Services:
205-348-3000 or 205-348-8588
Environmental Courses Registration
Registration Services
The University of Alabama
Box 870388
Tuscaloosa, Al 35487-0388
Training at your Location
We can tailor our courses for your needs! All in-house training will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each course will be designed for the company’s individual situation. The fees for each course will be based on travel, size of class, course materials, and instructor cost. All course fees will be pre-negotiated.
To view the 2025 schedule