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Alabama Asbestos Contractor Accreditation Program

Application for individual asbestos accreditation

Accreditation is required by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) to perform asbestos related activities within the state. State and federal laws require accreditation in all other related disciplines. The asbestos training and certification process requires initial training and accreditation and yearly refresher training for re-registration.

The general steps for accreditation in Alabama are as follows:

Step 1 – Complete Training.

    • Ensure all applicants have successfully completed their most recent training from one of Alabama’s approved trainers.
    • See list of approved training providers using the lists below.

Step 2 – Apply & Pay for individual asbestos certification.

    • Ensure you meet the Asbestos Certification Qualification Requirements
    • Apply online (“Online Application” crimson button at top left of this page) or Request a PDF application (English and Spanish applications available) from Program Specialist, Rhonda Hester (
    • Submit or upload all required documents with application
    • Submit payment. Once application is submitted, the applicant can mail a check/money order, or UA SafeState will contact the applicant for payment.  Application Process time – When submitted and all required documents received, application review and processing may take up to 30 days.
    • Once processed, the applicant will receive credentials via email and be issued a UA SafeState ID card (via mail) and certificate (via email).

Step 3 – Firm Certification. (Asbestos Supervisors and Asbestos Workers Only)

How to Become an Asbestos Professional in Alabama (Video)

English Version


En Español

List of Accredited Asbestos Professionals

Click here for the list of accredited asbestos professionals in Alabama.

For the list of certified asbestos abatement firms, please contact Mr. Don Barron at ADEM:

Program Fees

Discipline Fee
Inspector $180
Management Planner $180
Inspector/ Management Planner Combined $240
Project Designer $180
Project Supervisor $180
Worker (English or Spanish) $50



Training course accreditation is also required for training programs that train workers, supervisors, inspectors, management planners, and project designers. Training providers seeking to offer courses for approval in Alabama should contact Kalyn Tew ( for instructions on the application process and approval schedule.



Even if the applicant has been approved for their discipline in another state or through the EPA, individuals applying to Alabama for the first time will need to have their most recent training from one of the approved training providers listed in step 1. This can be the initial training (or a refresher course if the initial had been taken previously).

If the applicant has not previously registered with Alabama, they will need to submit copies of the initial training certificates and all subsequent refresher training to bring the applicant up to date in our system.

UA Safe State reserves the right to require the applicant to submit original training certificates, letters from the training provider confirming course completion, or other supporting documentation as needed to complete the review process.


UA SafeState

Rhonda Hester, Environmental Program Specialist

(205) 348-4829 or (800) 421-7141

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)

Contact for questions regarding certification of asbestos abatement contracting firms with ADEM

Don Barron or Melanie Nabors, (334) 271-7879